Monday, 27 June 2011


This paper will target a local audience, but a broad one.  People of all ages and from all socio-economic groups will be reading it, as well as people from different religious and family backgrounds, with different interests and different political views, so it should appeal to the whole of the audience.

Primary media is when people pay very close attention to a media text.
Secondary media is when they skim through it and look for something which will catch their eye.
Tertiary media is when the media is present but people are not consciously aware of it (e.g. adverts in a newspaper).

One person buys a paper, but it can be read by thirty or more people during the day - family members, friends, people who pick up a paper that they find (e.g. at a bus stop), people in waiting rooms, etc.

Local newspapers are different to other newspapers because people generally keep them for the entire week after issue, instead of throwing them away after one reading, so they can refer back to it.

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